Hagia Sophia
St. Matthews
I've already discovered just how hard it is to study while living in the city of London. It's painful to sit at the centre and read while the huge city awaits me, but it must be done! I guess I am here to study as well. Who would have thought? Beats me!
On Tuesday night, a member of the Stake Presidency came by and gave us our callings. I will be serving in a ward that is about twenty minutes away from here, so that should be nice (some of the kids are 2 hours away). He was a very cute little British man, and in his adorable accent he said, "I'm just a simple Londonner". I still can't get over the sweet accents here. I feel like I'm in some kind of Harry Potter land 24/7.
That night we also went to see Big Ben for the first time. That's when it truly hit me that I was truly in London...and I'm not just here for a few days. I am studying here! And I have completely fallen in love with the city. completely. I remember walking into the London centre just a week ago and thinking "what in the world am I doing here?". After the first crazy week of adjusting, I am so happy and blessed to be here. I keep learning that you can never just plan out your life and expect for it to be perfect. It always, without fail, turns out different than you expect. It always turns out better than you could have ever imagined though...that's the best part. Just two months ago, I would have never thought I would be in London. And I'm in London!! The greatest city in the world. For the next few months, I am "a simple Londonner".
Here's the London Eye. Cool picture huh?
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