Tuesday, 23 February 2010

part 1 for the day

last night I fell asleep on accident at 10 pm. I should have known it would happen because I couldn't fall asleep until late the night before.
so here I am blogging during my religion class. Don't worry, we just took our first test so we aren't doing anything too productive in class today. we just started talking about the church history in Wales, because we are going there....
in TWO days!

yesterday I went to the Imperial War Museum. I went to the Holocaust section and stayed there for almost two hours with christina. It was very sobering.
I'm very happy to live during this time with democracy, my religion, and freedom. I take it for granted too often, but I am so grateful for everything I am allowed to do.

That night, I decided to skip out on half price movie night in hope of making a dent in my homework.

Somehow I ended up paining nails and dancing in undies with laura, britain, and laura.
yes, I know. we are a little crazy. but we had fun!

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