London is technically an island, and who knows how long I could be here.
however, London is probably the best place to be stranded.
This morning, Christina and I took Laura to the train station. She's taking lots of trains to get to Madrid-- she needed to fly home for her brother's wedding asap. It was sad to part, but all of us will be reunited very soon! Laura will be in provo for her brother's reception, and christina and I are going to run Ragnar together this summer.
matching crown charms from portobello
After laura left, we stopped at platform 9 3/4 to cheer us up.
we are going to take hogwarts express home!! who needs dumb airplanes anyways???
I went to the singles ward for church, fell asleep in hyde park, and did kitchen crew. Macy and I helped Christina wax her legs too! It was quite the night. She has been growing them out all semester, so it was a big task.
I'm anxious to get home to my family, but I'm trying to make this week a good one. It's hard not knowing how all of us are going to get home! We will eventually all make it back though. I'm trying to be patient and stay positive.
Fun fact of the day- this is the biggest air space closure since WWII. I am becoming apart of history! haha how insane is all of this. I'm not even sure where the dumb ash cloud is. The past three days have been the prettiest, sunniest days since I've been here. People at hyde park have started wearing their swim trunks and bikinis to lay out in the park. I guess that is the hot thing to do here.
to everyone who has been affected by this volcano- good luck!
to everyone back home- I hope to see you very soon!
:] Jenny, I'm so glad that you're enjoying yourself and laughing out loud at the people at hyde park!
yay you are a part of history! take a lot of pics! christina is one of the friends of my best friend megan...small world! miss ya jen jen :]